I pulled this one out, because when I read it then, and re-visiting it now in my notes, I am struck by how this is such a crucial piece of the emerging church. While the context for this article is the UK, the idea ties in so neatly with our course and our context in the United Stated. Emerging churches seem to (to quote a children's movie) "see a need, fill a need." Abstractly I understood this through our readings, and could think, well this ties in here, this ties in there, but the immersion experiences, both those I participated in reading the responses made this theme more alive. I have been a strong believer in the power of relationships in regards to these emergent church models, Ian's articles and the website itself helped bring home the power of location.
Some of these churches seem to have emerged in areas where the populations were ready for them. I wonder if they were trying these years earlier, or later, if they would be as effective and successful. I know some are absorbed into larger movements, or they change, but overall, it seems as if a group of like minded people are able to recognize what others in that area need in order to be in closer relationship with God. I am doubly impressed with these now.
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